Gartner® Report

Postquantum Cryptography: The Time to Prepare is Now!

"By 2029, advances in quantum computing will make conventional asymmetric cryptography unsafe to use."

As quantum computers advance, new security standards emerge, and attacks threaten organizations, Gartner® states that "Security and risk management leaders must anticipate 'harvest now, decrypt later' attacks by preparing for a move to quantum-safe alternatives immediately."

Here are our key takeaways on how you can benefit from this research:

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“None of the new postquantum algorithms is a drop-in replacement for existing cryptography.”

— Postquantum Cryptography: The Time to Prepare is Now!, Gartner

Gartner, Postquantum Cryptography: The Time to Prepare is Now!, Mark Horvath, Sarah Almond, Matthew Brisse, Chirag Dekate, 1 July 2024  

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