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Cybersecurity That Enables Innovation? Yes, it is Possible

Companies of every size have been tending to digital security for decades. What at one time may have been thought of as comprehensive coverage, is now just enough to keep the lights on. As the number of connected people, applications and devices being used throughout an organization proliferates, the risks of compromise become greater by the day.

We’ve been witnessing a transformation over the past few years. Our certificate management platform is used by Global 2000 organizations to ensure the integrity of the enterprise for years. What’s most interesting is how our technology is being used to drive innovation – a theme being discussed in every boardroom globally.

Compared to traditional solutions, including in-house and those from other vendors, this ability to drive innovation is a clear differentiator. How do we make that happen?

  1. First, managing your PKI environment as-a-service – taking what’s often viewed as a non-core function off your hands at a cost that’s usually less than an FTE.
  2. Second, our competitors choose to charge their customers for every certificate managed. With CSS you pay a flat rate, regardless of the size of your certificate footprint – delivering a best-in-class solution at a total cost that’s a fraction of other solution providers.

Between the savings and extensive security coverage, our offering is a killer combination. And we’re seeing it enable innovation with countless customers. Let’s talk about two industries in particular:

Medical Industry

Cyber Security for medical devices

Healthcare is something that touches everyone – and it’s the industry that has more information to protect and less budget than anyone else. But that’s not stopping hospitals, manufacturers and healthcare companies from making the right investments to secure life-saving devices. Think about insulin pumps or pacemakers, connecting from the body to a network. Telling the real-time story of a human’s response – is it working, is it not working? What would happen if a life-saving system was hacked and a patient became vulnerable? Whether you’re capturing minute-by-minute status data, tracking analytics, or updating software, this is a space where you literally do save lives. Skimping out on security measures shouldn’t happen here.

Automotive Industry

Self-driving car concept IOT Security

Today’s cars are already connected and are quickly becoming even more autonomous. TCP/IP or Ethernet are replacing older systems. Cars must securely authenticate to the vehicle’s system and transmit over the Internet. There’s complexity here: manufacturers must consider inherent cybersecurity from theory through design through execution. But they can’t do this in isolation. The supply chain must be in sync to ensure that security elements become tangible in real-life when a driver takes the wheel, or there’s no driver at all. Imagine a hacker stopping a car going 70 mph on a highway. Or preventing a car from stopping when crossing a busy intersection.

The truth is that no matter what industry you’re in, cost should not have to make you choose between what gets secured and/or ignoring what’s to come. We believe strongly that having crypto-agility – moving quickly against today’s threats while being ready for tomorrow’s bad guys – is paramount to any organization’s security posture. And innovation is the strategy to get you there. If you’re ready to talk, we’d love to hear from you.