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Google vs. Symantec: Increasing Your SSL Certificate Visibility

Symantec SSL Customers, do you know where your certificates are located?

In March, Google announced they discovered a problem with Symantec issued SSL certificates. Google identified roughly 30,000 SSL certificates that violated industry standards defined within the CA/B forum baseline requirements.  After the discovery, Google and Symantec solidified an agreement which will affect new and existing Symantec customers moving forward.  The original deadline for reissuing affected Symantec/GeoTrust/Thawte certificates was pushed back from August 2017 to April 2018.




If you are reading this, you are probably looking for an answer on:

  • How do I determine if I am affected?
  • Which certificates do I need to worry about?
  • More importantly, where are these certificates in use throughout my network?

If you are an organization that is running mission critical systems using Symantec, you need to make a strategic decision on how to manage these certificates as well as other digital certificates within your enterprise.  There is good news, with given the deadline push, you gained additional time to make an educated decision on how to approach this issue.

Let CSS assess your organization’s needs during this transition. As the market leader in enterprise and IoT digital identity security, CSS’ certificate lifecycle management platforms are specifically designed for making the discovery and end-to-end lifecycle management for all certificates in an organization scalable and highly secure.