CLEVELAND, O.H. – December 30, 2015 – Certified Security Solutions (CSS), a global leader in enabling secure digital identity and access solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) and the enterprise, names their 2016 PKI and IoT Security Predictions.
In 2016, the need for trusted digital identities will become paramount to the overall security within the global Internet. As businesses continue to brace against cyber-adversaries and look to secure the IoT landscape, PKI is making a resurgence as an economical, reliable, and proven technology that delivers a secure and high-performance solution.
Here are the top six 2016 PKI and IoT security predictions from CSS:
1. PKI is growing exponentially and emerging as the de facto standard for digital identification, authentication, and encryption.
2. PKI will emerge as the best practice for identification, authentication, and secure communications for IoT devices.
3. Certificate Authority (CA) breaches, implementation flaws, and man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attacks will get worse before they get better.
4. Google’s Certificate Transparency and Certificate Pinning will help identify certificate misuse.
5. SHA-1 will be exploited to make a “fully-valid” fake certificate from a real one.
6. PKI Managed Services will increase and be adopted as the best practice.
As the world of IoT continues to expand, companies are seeking secure, cost-effective, and efficient solutions to manage risk, preserve revenue, and protect critical assets. If not properly secured, IoT devices can open and magnify threats to businesses. Cyber threats, outages, and data breaches are on pace to have a significant impact on the revenue and reputations of growing businesses worldwide. While more organizations are choosing to implement their own PKI to add digital certificates to their IoT security profile, many continue to struggle with how to manage the PKI, as well as millions of digital certificates used for identity authentication.
Companies with solutions to implement and maintain a high trust PKI environment, as well as to monitor and manage their own centralized digital certificate inventory will have significantly less exposure and risk to their operations.
Read the entire PKI and IoT security predictions:
About CSS
Certified Security Solutions (CSS) leads the market in Internet of Things (IoT) and enterprise digital identity security for data, devices, and applications. The VerdeTTo™ IoT and enterprise identity platforms, software, and managed services simplify the design, deployment, monitoring, and management of trusted digital identities, making authentication scalable, flexible, and affordable. Over the last decade, CSS has served as a trusted advisor to more than half of the Fortune 500, helping them implement infrastructure and platforms to manage trusted digital identities for IoT innovations and systems. Visit for more information.